发布时间:2024-04-12 发布者: 浏览次数:








[1]Huiping Yu, Yubo Guo, Yanpeng Gong, Fei Qin. Thermal analysis of electronic packaging structure using isogeometric boundary element method[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 128:195-202.

[2] H. P. Yu, Z. H. Tong,P. Chen, A. W. Cai, F. Qin, Effects of Different Parameters on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Aminated Graphene/Epoxy Nanocomposites Connected by Covalent: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Current Applied Physics. 20 (4) (2020) 510–518.(WOS:000516771300006)

[3]宇慧平,皮本松,陈沛,秦飞.交联环氧树脂热力学性能的分子模拟.必赢71886网址登录学报,2019,45(4): 322-329

[4]元月,宇慧平,秦飞等.热像仪标定QFN封装表面发射率及透射率的研究.激光与红外,2017: 46(9), 0917004(1-5)

[5] Huiping Yu, Mingqing Hu, Yuehua Liu. Analysis of the effect of geometrical parameters on fatigue performance of spot-weld joint for ultra-high strength steel. China Welding, 2016,25(4):12-25



[8]王晓光,宇慧平.超高强钢点焊结构疲劳试验分析.焊接学报,2016,37(2): 99-102.


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[1]Yubo Guo, Huiping Yu, Yanpeng Gong, Fei Qin. Thermal analysis of IGBT by isogeometric boundary element method[C]. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2020), Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2020. (EI20204309396677)

[2] Bensong Pi, Huiping Yu, Pei Chen, Fei Qin.Thermal conductivity of epoxy resin using molecular dynamics simulation. ICEPT 2018:995-999

[3] Shichao Yuan, Huiping Yu, Ming Xian, Fei Qin. Simulation research on wafer warpage and internal stress in the First Passivation process of eSiFO package. ICEPT 2018:990-994

[4] Yue Yuan, Huiping Yu. QFN cutting temperature measurement basing on the infrared thermal imager. ICEPT 2017: 1073-1077

[5] Huiping Yu, Mingqing Hu. Analysis the interface delamination of Cu and EMC adhesive material in the cutting process of electronic chip based on cohesive zone modeling. ICEPT 2016: 943-946

[6] Huiping Yu, Feng Feng.Numerical Analysis and Parameter Optimization of Thermal Stress Effect for Low-K Layer Flip-Chip with Copper Pillar Bumping. ICEPT 2015

[7] HuiPing Yu, MingQing Hu.The Experimental study of Quenched and Unhardened Boron B1500HS.2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Materials Engineering: 722-726

E-mail: yuhuiping@bjut.edu.cn


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