近年来共发表SCI期刊论文40余篇,总引用次数800多次,其中他引500多次,最高单篇被引100多次。目前主持完成国家自然科学基金项目4项,主持军科委创新计划项目1项,军科委重点研发子课题1项以及多项省部级课题项目。相关研究成果获得了国内外学者的广泛关注,先后受邀到美国莱斯大学,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,美国加州大学默塞德分校进行长期的交流访问,建立了良好的学术合作关系。2017年起担任Springer旗下的期刊International journal of dynamics and control的副主编,该期刊为eSIC收录。此外,还担任振动工程学会非线性动力学委员会的委员兼副秘书长,《动力学与控制》学报的青年编委,振动工程学会模态分析与实验专业委员会委员,振动工程学会航空航天结构动力学专业委员会委员。
2007.09-2011.06 必赢71886网址登录,工程力学 研究生/博士
2004.09-2007.07 必赢71886网址登录,机械设计及理论 研究生/硕士
2000.09-2004.07 内蒙古工业大学,过程装备与控制工程 大学本科/学士
1. 多维度先进复合材料复杂工况的动力学分析方法
2. 典型变翼飞行器结构的动态稳定性分析
3. 低频宽频振动控制
1. 多稳态变刚度自适应吸振器动力学设计及机理研究 国自然面上项目
2022-2025 62万
2. 石墨烯碳纤维树脂复合层合结构的动力学设计及应用 国自然面上项目
2018-2021 81.2万
3. 压电纤维复合材料变形机翼的非线性动力学研究 国自然面上项目
2016-2019 105万
4. 纤维增强复合材料层合板结构非线性振动理论分析和实验研究 国自然青年项目
2013-2015 28万
4. ******************** ZF、JUN科委等适用8号文项目 2020-2022 280万
5. ******************** ZF、JUN科委等适用8号文项目 2019-2021 150万
6. 石墨烯碳纤维树脂复合材料的动态特性分析 北京市教委青年拔尖人才
2017-2020 45万
1. Yunan Zhu, Xiangying Guo, Qian Wang, Dongxing Cao, A Lightweight Tuned Particle Damper for Low-Frequency Vibration Attenuation, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2024, 583:118440, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2024.118440
2. Dongxing Cao, Xin-Xing Zhou, Xiangying Guo*,Ni Song, Limit cycle oscillation and dynamical scenarios in piecewise-smooth nonlinear systems with two-sided constraints, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2024,112(12):1-28.
3. Wei Zhang, Wei Zhang, Xiangying Guo*. Vertical vibration control using nonlinear energy sink with inertial amplifier. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition). 2023, 44(10): 1721-1738.
4. Yongchang Huang, Xiangying Guo, Dongxing Cao. Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Z-Shaped Folding Wing. Aerospace, 2023, 10(49): 749.
5. Xiangying Guo, Yanmei Zhang, Zhong Luo, Dongxing Cao. Nonlinear dynamics analysis of a graphene laminated composite plate based on an extended Rayleigh–Ritz method. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 186: 110673.
6. Weixing Zhang, Wei Zhang, Dongshuo Yang, Zhong Luo, Xiangying Guo*. Vibration suppression of nonlinear laminated composite plates using internal oscillator-enhanced nonlinear energy sinks. Engineering Structures, 2023, 279: 115579.
7. XiangYing Guo, Yunan Zhu, Yegao Qu, Dongxing Cao. Design and experiment of an adaptive dynamic vibration absorber with smart leaf springs. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 43(10): 1485-1502.
8. Dongxing Cao, Yiming Lu, Siukai Lai, Jiajia Mao, Xiangying Guo*, Yongjun Shen. A novel soft encapsulated multi-directional and multi-modal piezoelectric vibration energy harvester. Energy, 2022, 254: 124309.
9. Wei Zhang, Weixing Zhang, Zhong Luo, Jianen Chen, Xianging Guo*. Shock-Induced Vibration of Composite Truss Core Sandwich Plates with Distributed Nonlinear Absorbers by Optimal Locations. Actuators, 2022, 11(8): 225.
10. Xiangying Guo, Kun Luo, Yegao Qu, Dongxing Cao. The design and aerodynamic analysis of intelligent variable camber airfoils with MFC. International Journal of Dynamics and Control. 2022, 10(4): 1034-1045.
11. Dongxing Cao, Junru Wang, Xiangying Guo*, Siu-Kai Lai, Yongjun Shen, Recent advancement of flow-induced piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting techniques: Principles, structures and nonlinear designs, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(7):959-978.
12. Xiangying Guo, Songsong Wang, Yegao Qu, Dongxing Cao, Nonlinear dynamics of Z-shaped morphing wings in subsonic flow, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 19: 107145.
13. Xiangying Guo, Changkun Li, Zhong Luo, Dongxing Cao, Modal Parameter Identification of Structures Using Reconstructed Displacements and Stochastic Subspace Identification, Applid Science-Basal, 2021,11(23):11432.
14. Xiangying Guo, Kun Luo, Yegao Qu, Dongxing Cao, The design and aerodynamic analysis of intelligent variable camber airfoils with MFC, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s40435-021-00868-3.
15. Dongxing Cao,Xiangdong Ding,Xiangying Guo,Minghui Yao,Design, Simulation and Experiment for a Vortex-Induced Vibration Energy Harvester for Low-Velocity Water Flow,International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology,2020,9 DOI: 10.1007/s40684-020-00265-9
16. Dongxing Cao, Xiangdong Ding, Xiangying Guo, Minghui Yao, Improved Flow-Induced Vibration Energy Harvester by Using Magnetic Force: An Experimental Study, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s40684-020-00220-8
17. Xiangying Guo, Pan Jiang, Dongxing Cao, C.M. Wan, Nonlinear vibrations of graphene piezoelectric microsheet under coupled excitations, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 124 (2020) 103498.
18. Xiangying Guo, Pan Jiang, Lin Sun and Dongxing Cao, Nonlinear Dynamics of Composite Microsheet with Graphene Skins in Non-uniform Thermal Field, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10338-020-00166-z .
19. Xiangying Guo,Shuaibo Wang,Lin Sun,Dongxing Cao, Dynamic responses of a piezoelectric cantilever plate under high-low excitations, 2020, Acta Mechanica Sinica 36, 2020, p234-244.
20. Xiangying Guo, bo zhang, Lin Sun and Dongxing Cao, influence of nonlinear terms on dynamical behavior of graphene reinforced laminated composite plates, Applied Mathematical Modeling 78, 2020, p169-184.
21. Xiangying Guo, Pan Jiang and Dongxing Cao, Influence of Piezoelectric Performance on Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of MFC Shells, Complexity, 2019, ID 1970248, 15 pages.
22. Dongxing Cao, Wenhua Hu, Yanhui Gao and Xiangying Guo*, Vibration and energy harvesting performance of a piezoelectric phononic crystal beam, Smart Materials and Structures, accepted.
23. Yumei Zhang, Xiangying Guo, Xia Wu, Suzhen Shi and Xiaojun Wu. RPSOVF Prediction Model for Speech Signal Series Based on UPSO, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 29(06), 2019: 1950075-1-18
24. Xiangying Guo, Pan Jiang, Wenhan Yan, Siu-Kai Lai and Wei Zhang, On internal resonance responses of rectangular cross-ply composite plates with graphene skins, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 19(11) 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0219455419500573.
25. Dongxing Cao, Xiangying Guo, Wenhua Hu, A novel low-frequency broadband piezoelectric energy harvester combined with a negative stiffness vibration isolator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 30(7), 2019, p1105-1114.
26. Ye.Niu, Wei.Zhang, Xiangying Guo, Free vibration of rotating pretwisted functionally graded composite cylindrical panel reinforced with graphene platelets, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 77, 2019, 103798
27. Wei. Zhang, Yan. Zheng, Tao. Liu and Xiangying Guo, Multi-pulse jumping double-parameter chaotic dynamics of eccentric rotating ring truss antenna under combined parametric and external excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics 98, 2019, p761-800.
28. Xiangying Guo, Yang Zhang, Wei Zhang, Lin Sun, Theoretical and experimental investigation on the nonlinear vibration behavior of Z-shaped folded plates with inner resonance, Engineering Structures 182, 2019, p123-140