发布时间:2024-04-02 发布者: 浏览次数:




2010.05硕士(Master ofScience),美国阿克伦大学机械工程系






2012.05-2013.03创业领队,美国国家自然科学基金创新创业(NSF I-Corps)项目:roadmaptocommercializationofelectrospunpolymeradhesives.新材

料科技公司Akron Ascend Innovation LLC主要创始人


  1. 先进电子封装中的力学问题与可靠性问题

  2. 先进电子封装中的新型材料与结构中的力学问题


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:减薄晶圆损伤层残余应力和力学性能测量方法研究 (11502005)2016.01-2018.12 (主持)

  2. 国家科技重大专项--极大规模集成电路制造装备及成套工艺(“02”专项)任务“晶圆减薄损伤层表征与控制方法”(2014ZX02504-001-005),2014.1-2017.12(参加)


1. C Liu, P Chen*. Simulation of force, energy, and surface integrity during nanometric machining by molecular dynamics in Machining and Tribology, editor. Alokesh Pramanik, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands2021Chapter 7. ISBN9780128198896.

2. P Chen and S-C Wong*. Polymer nanocomposites reinforced with carbonaceous nanofillers and their piezoresistive behavior in Physical properties and Applications of polymer nanocomposites, editor. S-C Tjong, Y-W Mai, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge UK, 2010. Chapter 11:404-427. ISBN: 9781845696726.


1. F Qin, L Zhang, P Chen*, T An, Y Dai, Y Gong, Z Yi, H Wang. In situ wireless measurement of grinding force in silicon wafer self-rotating grinding process. Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2021, 154, 107550.

2. X Li, P Chen*, F Qin, X Dong, Q Xu*. Bionic PDMS-CDs surface with thermal controllable adhesion. Materials Letters, 2020, 263 (15), 127267.

3. P Chen, X Li, J Ma, R Zhang, F Qin, J Wang, TS Hu, Y Zhang, Q Xu*. Bioinspired photodetachable dry self-cleaning surface. Langmuir, 2019, 35(19), 6379-6386.

4. P Chen*, Z Zhang, C Liu, T An, H Yu, F Qin. Temperature and grain size dependences of mechanical properties of nanocrystalline copper by molecular dynamics simulation. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 27 (6), 065012.

5. L Zhang, P Chen*, T An, Y Dai, F Qin*. Analytical prediction for depth of subsurface damage in silicon wafer due to self-rotating grinding process. Current Applied Physics, 2019, 19 (5): 570-581.

6. P Chen*, Z Zhang, T An, H Yu, F Qin. Generation and distribution of residual stress during nano-grinding of monocrystalline silicon. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 57(12): 121302.

7. Z Zhang, P Chen*, F Qin, T An, H Yu. Mechanical properties of silicon in subsurface damage layer from nano-grinding studied by atomistic simulation. AIP Advances, 2018, 8: 055223.

8. J Sun, P Chen*, F Qin, T An, H Yu, B He. Modelling and experimental study of roughness in silicon wafer self-rotating grinding. Precision Engineering, 2018, 51: 625-637.

9. J Sun, F Qin*, P Chen* and T An. A predictive model of grinding force in silicon wafer self-rotating grinding. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 109: 74-86.


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