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发布时间:2021-06-10 发布者: 浏览次数:



曾在本学科重要的国外学术期刊《Information Science》, 《International Journal of Approximation Reasoning》,《International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems》等期刊上发表论文。多次在国际学术会议上做学术报告,并于2007年在悉尼召开的国际会议The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies上获最佳论文奖,2009年在桂林召开的国际会议Intech’09 TowardsIntelligent Technologies to Economics and Management上获excellent paper奖。2007年还获必赢71886网址登录优秀博士学位论文奖。



1. Shoumei Li and Li Guan, Decomposition and representation theorem of set-valued amarts.International Journal of Approximation Reasoning, (2007), Vol.46, 35-46.(SCI, EI

2. Shoumei Li and Li Guan, Fuzzy set-valued Gaussian processes and Brownian motions.Information Sciences, (2007), Vol.177, 3251-3259. (EIISTP

3. Li Guan and Shoumei Li, Laws of large numbers for weighted sums of fuzzy set-valued random variables,Inter. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based System, (2004), Vol.12, 811-825. (SCI, EI)

4. Li Guan, Shoumei Li and Yukio Ogura, A strong law of large numbers of fuzzy set-valued random variables with slowly varying weights,International Journal of Automation and Control, (2008), Vol.2, 365-375. (EI)

5. Li Guan and Shoumei Li, Convergence theorems for fuzzy set-valued amart in a Banach Space, Proceeding of the 9thinternational conference on intelligent technologies. (2008), 57-64.International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics. (2009), Vol.2, No.1, 29-44. (EI)

6. Li Guan and Shoumei Li, A strong law of large numbers for set-valued random variables in Rademacher type p Banach space,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetic,(2006), Vol.3, 1768-1773. (EI)

7. Li Guan, Shoumei Li and Hiroshi Inoue, Strong laws of large numbers for set-valued random variables in Rademacher type p Banach space,Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, (2008), Vol.67, No.3, 377-392.

8. Li Guan and Shoumei Li, Stationary processes and limit theorems with upper semi-continuous function values, Proceeding of the 10thinternational conference on intelligent technologies, 2009, 515-520.International Journal of Intelligent Technology and Applied Statistics, (2010), Vol.3, No.1, 33-44.ISTP

9. Shoumei Li and Li Guan, Optional sampling theorem and representation of set-valued amart,Soft Methods for Integrated UncertaintyModeling, Springer, (2006), 137-144. (ISTP)

10. Li Guan, Shoumei Li and Inoue Hiroshi, Strong laws of large numbers for rowwise exchangeable fuzzy set-valued random variables. Proceedings of the 11th world congress of international fuzzy systems association, (2005), 411-415.

11. Li Guan and Shoumei Li, Integral of general set-valued random processes with respect to finite variation processes, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetic, (2005), 2551-2556. (EI)

12. Li Guan and Shoumei Li. The convergence theorems of set-valued pramart in a Banach space. International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, 2011. Vol.4, 3, 403-417.(SCI)

13. Hiroshi Inoue, Masatoshi Miyake and Li Guan. Influence of Risk Incentive by Limited Dividend Provision. Nonlinear Mathematics for Uncertainty and its Applications. 2011. 255-262.(EI)

14. LiGuan and Shoumei Li. A law of large numbers for exchangeable random variables on nonadditive measures. Synergies of Soft Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis,2013, 145-152. (SCI

15.Li Guan and Xia Wang. Probability Inequalities forSet-Valued Negatively Orthant Dependent Random Variables, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 277, 2014, 951—963.SCI


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